Jonathan Clidoro, former barangay captain of Catalotoan, San Jose, CamSur.

Camarines Sur Congressman LRay Villafuerte and son, Luigi Villafuerte, offered one million pesos (Php 1,000,000) reward for information leading to the identification and arrest of the gunman who shot and wounded former barangay captain Jonathan Clidoro of Catalotoan, San Jose, Camarines Sur.

Clidoro is trusted security and political officer of San Jose Mayor Marco P. Chavez M.D, and congressional aspirant ABC Antonio B. Chavez.

An unidentified gunman shot Clidoro 5 times on the chest, but he survived with gunshot wounds.

The incident happened 2:30 pm Wednesday, March 30, (2022) in Barangay Catalotoan at his home while he was talking with 2 other persons when the gunman on motorcycle stopped by his residence and pumped bullets on him. The gunman fled immediately.

Police investigators recovered 5 empty shells and 3 slugs at the crime scene.

Related story:

Gunman shoots, wounds aide of San Jose Mayor “DocMac” Chavez in Camarines Sur

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