A 19 year old girl victim of sextortion in Sorsogon. Photo: Brigada News FM Sorsogon

The Sorsogon City police acting on the complaint nab Ronald Agarin Duarte for alleged sextortion in one of the rooms of Mahogany Lodge in Barangay Bibincahan, this city on October 21 at past one o’clock in the afternoon.

Duarte threatens to upload the private photos of the 19-year-old complainant if she refused to have sex prompting her to seek the help of the city police together with the PNP provincial cybercrime unit to set the entrapment. She was promised a scholarship, house, internet connection, cash, and other material things by the suspect before the threat to upload her scandalous photos.

The communication between the two started in July and lead to an intimate and mutual understanding where the unsuspecting complainant agreed to send scandalous photos of herself due to the promises of a better life. Duarte introduced himself as Kap Alex Sotto of Poblacion Castilla when he used the account “Talinga sa Poblacion.”

According to Police Major Jeric Don Sadia, city police chief, the suspect is 42 years old, married, a resident of Barangay Poblacion, Castilla and made the unnamed complainant believe that he is Kap Alex Sotto by using the FB account “Talinga sa Poblacion “a dummy account.

Duarte is facing a criminal complaint for violation of RA 9995, which defines and penalizes the crime of photo and video voyeurism and for violation of RA 10175, the Cybercrime Prevention Act.

The suspect is in the custody of the police authorities.

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