Fire truck makes the rounds in the isolated town of Siruma, Camarines Sur, reminding residents on fire safety and awareness, a public information project of OIC Municipal Fire Marshal SFO2 Ricky U. Rebuya.

It was only in June 2022, the town of Siruma, Camarines Sur just completed its fire safety and firefighting capability. It now has a fully constructed fire station with a fire truck.

Siruma is a coastal town fronting San Miguel Bay of Camarines Sur. It has 19, 419 people (2020 Census) and 22 barangays. Reaching the town from Naga City takes about a whole day jeepney ride over puddy roads, but with a new road network completed three years ago, it is now accessible in three hours.

This firefighting capability became possible with the initiative of then fireman FOI Ricky U. Rebuya when assigned as Fire Prevention Officer in July 2013.

OIC-Municipal Fire Marshal SFO2 Ricky U. Rebuya together with Siruma FS personnel, conducted coordination with Hon. Mayor Karen Ramos-Polinga and the MDRRMC Office. Activities such as Water Level Monitoring, Personnel and Firetruck Visibility at Poblacion area were also conducted.

In 2014, Fireman Rebuya initiated moves for the construction of a Fire Station, with Mayor Karen R. Polinga donating a 200 sqm lot to BFP.

In 2019, the Siruma Fire Station’s construction was completed.

In October 2020, then SFO1 Rebuya in coordination with Mayor Polinga, received the town’s first Fire Truck (Isuzu FVR34).

On 22 June 2022, the Siruma Fire Station was officially activated as per BO Number AFS-2022-023.

On 28 June 2022, SFO2 Ricky U Rebuya was designated as Officer-In-Charge of Siruma FS as per RO Number DSG 2206-055 until today.

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