Arrival of 4th batch of COVID-19 vaccines. Photo: DOH Bicol CHD

The World Health Organization or WHO revealed last Friday, December 2 that around 90 % of the world population now had some resistance to COVID-19, however they cautioned that a troubling new variant could still emerge.

WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that gaps in vigilance were leaving the door open for a new virus variant to appear and overtake the globally dominant Omicron,

“WHO estimates that at least 90 percent of the world’s population now has some level of immunity to SARS-CoV-2, due to prior infection or vaccination,” said Tedros, referring to the virus that causes COVID-19 disease.

The WHO director-general also told reporters that “We are much closer to being able to say that the emergency phase of the pandemic is over. “But we’re not there yet” he added.

He noted that gaps in surveillance, testing, sequencing and vaccination are continuing to create the perfect conditions for a new variant of concern to emerge that could cause significant mortality.

Last weekend marked one year since the organization announced Omicron as a new variant of concern in the COVID-19 pandemic. The Omicron variant has since swept round the world, proving significantly more transmissible than its predecessor, Delta.

Tedros further said that there were now more than 500 highly transmissible Omicron sub-lineages circulating.

“All able to get around built-up immunity more easily, even if they tended to be less severe than previous variants”, he said.

Countries around the world have reported a total of 6.6 million deaths to the WHO, from nearly 640 million registered cases. But the UN health agency says this will be a massive undercount and unreflective of the true toll.

The WHO official said that more than 8,500 people were recorded as having lost their lives to COVID last week, “which is not acceptable three years into the pandemic, when we have so many tools to prevent infections and save lives.”

COVID-19 infections are currently at record highs in China and have started to rise in parts of Britain after months of decline.

Further easing of COVID-19 testing requirements and quarantine rules in some Chinese cities was met with a mix of relief and worry on Friday, as hundreds of millions await an expected shift in national virus policies after widespread social unrest due to government restrictions.

Meanwhile, the director of public health programs at the UK Health Security Agency, Mary Ramsay, said. “While COVID-19 and flu can be mild infections for many, we must not forget that they can cause severe illness or even death for those most vulnerable in our communities,”

The WHO urged all governments to focus on reaching those at risk, such as people over the age of 60 and those with underlying conditions, for vaccination.

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