Photo: Financial Express

A “welcome party” of men in PPEs is ready for the barge with Covid 19-positive crew members that will dock in Albay, after three days of sailing from Butuan City, CARAGA.

Government agencies and protocol enforcers are preparing for the arrival in Legazpi City after a conference on Monday.

“Office of Civil Defense, Region V”

The barge arrival will be tomorrow Tuesday as Health authorities, Legazpi City Government, Office of the Civil Defense Bicol (OCD V), Albay Provincial Government and Regional Task Force Operations Center discussed operation details over the docking in Albay of MV TUG Clyde and Barge Claudia.

OCD V spokesperson Mr. Gremil Naz confirmed the barge left Indonesia and made a port call at Butuan City, CARAGA, then sailed for Legazpi City port.

According to OCD V, 12 of the crew of 20 are COVID-19 positive, but may be probably infected with Delta variant, but not yet confirmed.

“PPA Clearance to sail”

In another report, the Philippine Port Authority (PPA) denied the barge escaped from Butuan City as earlier reported in the media.

PPA said the agency in Butuan City gave the barge, MV TUG CLyde and Barge Claudia, the departure papers to sail for Legazpi City, but while at sea, 12 crew members were discovered positive of Covid 19.

Owing to this discovery of Covid 19 infection, the barge continued to sail, and has contact with authorities for its coordinates, and with the sea vessel owner.

Arrangement has been reached that crew members will not leave the sea vessel once it docks in Albay, and to follow all health protocols.

“NFH Construction, Camarines Sur”

The sea vessel owner, Mr. Nathaniel Uy, of NFH Construction Supplies, San Vicente, Milaor, Camarines Sur, is reported coordinating with authorities about the barge and crew members once it reach the Bicol mainland.

The barge allegedly came from Indonesia bringing materials for use on an industrial plant.

NFH in Camarines Sur is a big company cornering government contracts, rice importation, iceplant and fish storage, quarry operations, and commercial fishing.

There were reports the company is involved in huge importation of rice.

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