In making sure that the protocols called for under Executive Order No.30-2021 by the Office of the Governor LGU Castilla initiated a briefing to composite members of the local task force “Ligtas Undas Castilla” regarding the closure of cemeteries from October 29 until November 3 this year.
The briefing was attended by MDRRMO, RHU, MPS, BFP, the Public Safety Officers, Force Multipliers, volunteers of Pardss Fii Castilla and Kabalikat Civicom 303 Chapter.
They are in agreement that strict enforcement of the EO is necessary to prevent the possible spread of the virus and to make sure that before and after the closure prior protocols still covered by the previous EO of the province chief executive should be monitored.
RHU front-liners as the pivot group are also on the lookout of symptomatic individuals related to COVID-19 visiting the cemetery for immediate medical assistance.
The meeting was chaired by Mayor Isagani Mendoza.