Attorney Areiz Macaraig. File photo

By Joey Natividad

“We don’t want to see covid-19 patients dying outside hospitals due to lack of hospital beds”.

A Bicol lawyer on Wednesday, April 7, raised an alarm over the spike of viral contamination in Naga City, Camarines Sur, in relation to availability of hospital beds.

The present hospital beds in Naga City might not accommodate the ongoing spike of covid-19 cases, as the present trend might reach 200 cases by this week’s end.

The present covid-19 spike might overfill hospitals’ bed capacities causing hospital lockdown, pressuring so much stress among medical frontliners.

Lawyer Areiz Macaraig said: “If the trend does not stop, Naga might reach 200 cases this week and covid ward of BMC (Bicol Medical Center), as well as hospital beds of private hospitals are starting to be occupied with patients. The whole of Bicol region cannot afford a hospital lockdown or reaching maximum capacity.”

Lawyer Macaraig cited the role of the other local governments, saying:

“LGUs must consider averting the trend of covid cases in their respective jurisdictions, especially Naga City which has registered the highest attach rate at 80 percent.”

Macaraig pointed to the important roles of the local executives.

“Mayors should always bear in mind that a spike of cases will surely be detrimental to hospitals.”

He continued: “We should learn from what is happening in Metro Manila now where people die outside hospitals because they can no longer be accommodated for treatment as hospitals there already reached full capacity.” (BicolExpress.News / 4.7.21)

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