Photo: Joecel Domalaon Perez

by Bicol Express News

The one day Kasanggayahan Festival, October 17 though austere reflects mirrors the abundance of life that Sorsoganons enjoyed.

The barrio fiesta theme is a picture how rural folks celebrate their fiesta. From native delicacies offered to visitors, fun games and the easy luck pot in a game of chance, are crowd drawer.

Celebrating the 453rd years when the first catholic mass at Sitio Gibalon in Magallanes town also coinciding with the Province 128th foundation day Sorsogon now is enjoying the fruits of labor from its forefathers.

Photo: Anne A. / Bicol Express News

Kasanggayahan was defined by Father Jose Ofracio…” When the fields are green and the grains are golden, when the machine works well and all business prosper, when the bird in the sky chirps freely, and man on earth are peacefully happy, in Sorsogon it is Kasanggayan,meaning a life of Peace, Progress and Prosperity.”

That vision of Father Ofracio is the aspiration of every Sorsoganon.

Photo: Joecel Domalaon Perez
Photo: Joecel Domalaon Perez
Photo: Manny Ferrer / Bicol Express News
Photo: Manny Ferrer / Bicol Express News
Photo: Manny Ferrer / Bicol Express News
Photo: Joecel Domalaon Perez

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