Transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Credit: NIAID-RML. via Pharmaceutical Technology

A tugboat with the crew stricken with Covid 19, confirmed as highly contagious delta variant, is proceeding to Legazpi City port, after escaping Butuan City, CARAGA on Saturday.

The contaminated tugboat is expected to reach Legazpi City port on Tuesday, July 20.

The tugboat is identified as MTUG CLyde and Barge Claudia, with 258 GT.

It is owned and operated by Mr. Nathaniel Uy, 135 San Vicente, Milaor, Camarines Sur.

Maritime authorities and the DOH issued a public warning to all coastal barangays to be alert for the tugboat as it escaped from Butuan City, CARAGA, on Saturday, and monitored sailing toward Legazpi City, Albay.

An OCD Region 5 report said the tugboat has 12 crew members positive of delta variant, whose last port call is indonesia.

The public are advised to report of any ship, small boat which might try to dock at any coastal area.

On any sighting of a boat, the public must call 911, or maritime police or coast guard.

Local government units are requested to mobilize their barangay tanods or bantay dagat teams.

Details of Marine Vessel:
MTUG CLyde and Barge Claudia 258 GT

Last Port of Call: Indonesia
Arrived at Port of Butuan: 14 July 2021 at 1230AM

Owned and operated by Mr. Nathaniel Uy, 135 San Vicente, Milaor, Cam Sur

Expected arrival to Port of Legazpi: 20 July 2021 at 5:00PM

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