Sorsogon governor Chiz Escudero. SPIO photo

The 1st DepEd Sorsogon Division BSP Adult Camp started Wednesday, October 27 at Sta. Magdalena Central School in the town of Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon.

The activity, with the theme “Commitment to Excellence”, is to enhance the capacity of DepEd staff to provide effectively more service to the community.

SPIO photo

Over the three days, delegations from various towns and cities of the province will conduct various activities such as tree planting, physical exercises and more.

SDS Jose L. Doncillo led its opening with Governor Chiz Escudero.

Also attended the activity launching were Sta Magdalena Mayor Eduardo T. Lozano and Vice Mayor Ramon R. Espela.

Sorsogon governor Chiz Escudero with Mayor Ed Lozano, Sta. Magdalena and Jose Doncillo, DepEd Sorsogon. SPIO photo

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