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A security guard in Daet, Camarines Norte, shot and wounded a drunken tricycle driver who attacked him with a piece of wood.

The incident happened outside an online betting station being guarded by the security guard at Bgy. Camambugan, Daet on Thursday night of December 30.

According to police investigation, the driver was agitating the guard for a fight after the latter was prevented by the guard to bet in an online betting station he was guarding.

The security guard signaled the driver to go out from the betting station and while outside, the drunk picked up a piece of wood and repeatedly hit the guard.

The guard allegedly shot the drunk at the right shoulder.

The victim was brought to the Camarines Norte Provincial Hospital for treatment.

The guard surrendered to police and turned over his service cal. 38 revolver.

Police will file a case of frustrated murder against the security guard.

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