Dra. Tricia Robredo. Bicol Express News photo

The Harvard Medical School approved the admission of Janine Patricia Robredo into the Master of Medical Sciences in Global Health Delivery (MMSc-GHD).

Janine Patricia is a young medical doctor and daughter of Vice-President Leni Robredo.

The program will begin on August 31, 2022.

According to Harvard, the MMSc-GHD program provides “training in research, program design, and management that students need to become leaders in the emerging field of global health delivery.”

It is a 2 – year degree – granting program based in Boston, MA, USA.

According to Harvard Medical School, it offers a “rigorous cross-university curriculum focused on developing the tools needed to perform social and delivery science and policy research in resource-limited settings.”

The institution said the core component of the MMSCGHD is a field-based mentored research project in global health, culminating in a master’s thesis.

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