Victims of bombing in Mindanao State University. Contributed photo

In a press statement Caritas Philippines condemns in strongest terms the bombing inside the Dimaporo gymnasium of the Mindanao State University where a solemn celebration of a catholic mass was held.

Bishop Colin Bagaforo Caritas president said that the blatant act of terror by the perpetrators at the time that the celebration of Mindanao Week of Peace claimed innocent lives disrupted the peaceful Christian mass gatherings as the Christmas season has started needs an expeditious investigations.

Victims of bombing in Mindanao State University. Contributed photo

The bishop labelled the bombing as an heineous act.

He urged authorities to swiftly identified apprehend and brought to justice the perpetrators to ensure that such atrocities do not go unpunished.

Condoling to the victim families affected by the senseless act Caritas Philippines urges all stakeholders including the government, religious leaders inand the community as a whole to poster an environment of peace despite the incidents and to safeguard the fundamental right to worship without fear of anyone.

As of press time an ongoing investigation to identify the perpetrators is being conducted by authorities.

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