GUBAT, Sorsogon — Gubat Mayor Sharon Rose G. Escoto on Friday urged unvaccinated constituents to get their jabs, saying that this is not only the best personal protection, but also for their families.
The Mayor said this as the town of Gubat logged 12 Covid-19 cases Thursday, and another 10 new cases today.
The 10 new Covid-19 cases bring to a total 52 active cases in the town.
Since the pandemic started, a total 534 cases have been tallied, with 432 total recoveries, and 53 confirmed Covid 19-related deaths.
The Gubat Municipal Inter-Agency Task Force against Covid-19 held an emergency meeting earlier Friday to assess the situation, given the current state of increasing cases of Covid-19 affecting more children.

Among the 74 cases from January 1, ten are children ages 1 to 17 years old, all close contacts of the positive patients.
“These are challenging times not only for the Gubatnons but for the entire country, which is facing a spike of Covid-19 infection due to a more highly-transmissible variant. We must be mindful of our children who are not yet eligible to get the jab. What we can do to protect ourselves and those close to us is to follow the public health protocol and get vaccinated to prevent severe infection and hospitalization”,
Mayor Escoto lauded the effort of LGU-Gubat frontliners, especially the health workers on their unfazed service, despite some of their colleagues recently getting infected by the virus.
“Our health workers together with other frontliners are working non-stop to ensure that every Gubatnon’s health is protected from the threat of Covd-19 infection. For our part, we should follow and practice minimal health protocols on top of getting vaccinated and help convince those unvaccinated to get their jabs as soon as possible”.
Mayor Escoto also said the effort of LGU-Gubat to prevent the spread of Covid-19 would be its small contribution to the country-wide initiative of the Government and other non-government institutions to contain Covid-19 from spreading.
“The reality is, we are still far from over for a Covid-19-free community, but our collective efforts in helping to prevent the spread of the infection in the municipality is a contribution no matter how small it is. We should remember that as we continue to vaccinate our people while practicing minimum health protocols, we will overcome the challenges brought about by this pandemic” she concluded.