In line with the celebration of National Children’s Month, the town of Castilla, Sorsogon Barangay Council for the Protection of Children during their quarterly meeting Mayor Isagani “Bong” Mendoza rallied the attendees on the importance of the roles of public servants for the welfare of children.
The mayor as chairman of the Municipal Council for the Protection of Children said that the focus is observing the protection of children for they are vulnerable to abuse, poverty, natural calamities and violence. He emphasized that Castillanons must be aware that most of the cases of child rights violated include child labor, lack of access to education and child marriage.
He reminded the BCPC about the four inherent rights of a child, survival, protection, participation and development that public servants in their best capacity should adhere to. We should sustain and promote the welfare of a child and continue to make Castilla a child-friendly community, he said.
When the country adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations on November 20, 1989, the National Youth Commission and the Council for the Welfare of the Children and the Department of Social Welfare and Development were tasked to come up with programs and to plan charitable events to help children in needs.
The enactment of Republic Act No. 10661 in 2015 during the time of the late President Benigno Aquino III made the month of November the official National Children’s Month.