Ongoing construction of Sorsogon City elevated parking. Bicol Express News photo

by Bicol Express News

With an impressive statement that “This is where your taxes Go” the Sorsogon First Engineering District awarded to Hi-Tone Construction and Development Corporation Phase II for the 21FKOOO9-Local Program-Local Infrastructure Program-Building and Other Structures-Multi Puprpose Facilities-construction of Multi Purpose(ELEVATED PARKING LOT) in Sorsogon City and the construction to start on February 23, 2021 to be completed January 18, 2022 funded under the General Appropriation Act CY 2021 in the amount of Php 96, 295,027.50 part of DPWH hard projects.

Construction of Sorsogon City elevated parking. Bicol Express News photo

The project is located at the vacant lot formerly known as Plaza Bonifacio at the city downtown but looking at the structure one may ask is it worth the amount that until now skeletal frames are what it was.

People are wondering if is it really where the taxes go or if is it really for the few to have their fill of crisp peso bills.

The First DEO of Sorsogon is silent on the status of the project if it is completed as called for in Phase II for GAA fund as downloaded was awarded to Hi-Tone.

Construction of Sorsogon City elevated parking. Bicol Express News photo

Will someone speak from the engineering district tasked to implement the project?  The public wants to be clarified.

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